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Real Estate Photography

How to Capture the Best Exterior Daytime Photos

Most of the time, the first thing people observe while browsing through real estate listing is the property's exterior shot. This aspect is often one of the key deciding factors while purchasing a real estate property.

Why are Daytime Photos of Exteriors Crucial?

Composing real estate exterior photos involves storytelling. The aim is to create a cluster of images that acts as a guided tour of the property. Additionally, considering day lighting will help you get the most pleasing photos of the property's exterior. The exterior of a property is of prime significance as it is the first thing the potential buyer sees, and a great first impression increases the chance of hooking a buyer.

Look for Exterior Features to Highlight

Not everything about the exterior of a home is featured most effectively in a wide view. Always look out for unique features the property adorns. Another thing to remember is to clear walkways, driveways and the lawns are freshly mowed. Lawn furniture and patio should be clean and neatly arranged as well. Few key exterior features to be highlighted are :

-       Garages

-       Porches, patios, and decks

-       Pools

-       Outdoor kitchens

-       Entry and exit points

Tips to Take Stunning Photos of Property Exteriors

As a professional real estate photographer, you must have the ability to take stunning exterior photos with perfect angles that can catch someone's attention and make them want to see more. Exterior real estate shots can be tricky and devious; you are often having to adjust and deal with all kinds of weather.

A few quick tips for stunning exterior pictures:

Ensure that the property is ready

Staging your home is an important step for real estate photograph. It does not matter how great the photos are if there is clutter in the pictures. Ensure the yard is cleared up, the car is moved away, garbage bins and other unflattering objects are removed. If there are objects that cannot be removed, you may use Virtual Decluttering & Object Removal photo editing services

Observe the property layout

A little bit of legwork and home work before shooting exterior pictures always results in better photos. Observing the property layout is one of the first and most important things to do as it also helps you identify the best vantage points and key features of the property. Consider things like the shape of the yard, if there is a slope or a driveway. 

Choose a precise time of the day to take pictures

It's recommended to get photos of the exterior at different dayparts to give prospective buyers a full glimpse of the home's aesthetic at varying times and show off its interior and exterior lighting. If you are unable to get the perfect shots, you may also use Day to Dusk image editing service to turn daylight real estate images into dusk images and make your property look luxurious.

Always use the camera's timer and a sturdy tripod

Keep in mind to mount the camera on a tripod and use the timer of the camera, if you want sharp image sand not blurry ones. A tripod is essential if you want long exposure shots in low light, especially during dusk.

Cover every angle possible

Being creative while shooting the exterior is essential. You do not have to be safe and boring but opt for the most flattering angles. This will ensure that it sets your listing apart from others. When photographing a property direct and straight, you may often end up with an excess of concrete in the foreground via the sidewalk or the driveway.

Shoot horizontally on a wide-angle lens

A wide-angle lens is a real estate photographer's best resort, but not everything on a home's exterior is best presented this way. A wide-angle lens is usually the only way to get the whole house in the shot.

Look for exterior features to highlight

Elements like unique building materials, features like deck, pool or a sprawling lawn should be highlighted in the pictures. Detailed pictures of these features attract potential buyers and make them consider buying the property 

Use natural light to your advantage

A bright sunny day should be your first preference if you want some stunning. As sunlight is prone to change and be different every hour and day, it is recommended to plan the shoot at that hour of the day when the sunlight falls on the front side of the house, which is the best time for utilizing natural light. Ask the property owners for a blueprint of the property to see which direction the house faces.

Realistic and stunning photos generate positive impressions about the property, leading to more referrals and clients. If you didn't get your photos how you wanted them or if you're spending more time post-processing, let Styldod help you. Save time re-shooting and editing by using our 24/7 photo editing service. Get us to edit for you with our easy Photo Editing Service boost your real estate sales by getting your real estate photos edited from Styldod.

Rahul Agrawal

Co-founder and Chief Business Officer at Styldod

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