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Real Estate Marketing

Open House Checklist For Real Estate Agents

An open house is a scheduled event where a property is made available for prospective buyers to view and tour. It's an opportunity for real estate agents to showcase the property and attract potential buyers. The success of an open house largely depends on the level of planning and preparation put into it.

Proper planning beforehand can ensure a smooth and organized open house event, and increase the chances of attracting serious buyers. A well-prepared open house can also leave a positive impression on the property and the agent, which can result in more referrals and future business.

House Checklist for Agents

Things to Do Before the Open House

✅ ✅ Schedule the Best Day & Time for Your Open House

Hosting an open house on the weekends, specifically on Saturdays and Sundays, is a good idea as most people are off work during these days. However, trying a different day or time for the open house can also bring in more visitors and potential buyers, depending on the real estate market. Holding multiple open houses with a mix of both weekends and weekdays can draw different types of buyers and increase interest in properties that may be more challenging to sell.

Using a scheduling tool can also simplify the process of scheduling an open house date. You can set the time slots for showings based on your availability and potential buyers can easily schedule a showing by clicking on a link, without the need for direct contact. This streamlined approach ensures that you won't miss out on any appointments. You can also promote your open house by sharing the event through email, making it even easier for interested parties to sign up for a showing.

✅ ✅ Prepare the Home & Property

Maximize your open house potential by following these three essential steps to prepare your home and property:

1. Eliminate Clutter Before Open Houses

Clutter is a common and natural part of life, but it can also leave a negative impression on potential buyers during an open house. To ensure your property makes the best impression, it's important to get rid of as much clutter as possible. This means removing piles of magazines, newspapers, unopened mail, or anything else that might give the wrong impression about your home.

If you find that you have too many belongings that are affecting the look of your home, consider renting a storage unit. Affordable and convenient, a short-term rental storage unit can help you declutter and create a more appealing space for your open house.

2. Impress Buyers by Staging Your Property

Staging has become a popular trend in the real estate industry for a reason - it can transform a space and help potential buyers see its full potential. This can be as simple as adding a fresh coat of paint or updating throw rugs, or as extensive as renting new furniture. The amount of staging needed will vary from property to property, but your real estate agent can help you determine what modifications are necessary.

Remember that staging is not just for appearance - it can significantly increase the sale price of a home. Many buyers make decisions based on how a home looks at present, so providing an attractive space can go a long way in securing a sale.

3. Maximize Light Before Home Tours

Create a bright and inviting space by showcasing your home in the best possible light. Here are some tips to help:

  • Take advantage of natural light by opening curtains and cleaning windows.
  • Upgrade any light fixtures that are dim or outdated to brighter options.
  • Give your lamps a fresh look with more modern and brighter alternatives.

By implementing these steps, you can create a welcoming and well-lit atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression on visitors during your open house.

✅✅ Create Marketing Materials for the Open House

Creating marketing materials for your open house is an essential step in promoting your event. Make a lasting impression by including your branding and customized details about the property and your role as the representative agent.

Materials to consider creating include:

  • Open house invitations
  • Flyer promoting the event
  • Sign-in sheets for attendees
  • Business cards
  • Brochures to provide information
  • Templates for open house flyers.

Having these materials ready will help you effectively promote your open house and increase visibility for both the property and your services.

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✅✅ Post Your Open House on Zillow & Realtor.com

Maximize your reach for your open house by utilizing popular real estate websites like Zillow and Realtor.com. Schedule your open house listing a few days ahead of time to ensure it is visible to potential visitors while they plan their weekends.

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✅✅ Decide Which Food & Drinks You Want to Serve

It's important to consider the food and drinks you serve at your open house as they can have a significant impact on how you are perceived as a real estate agent. Keep in mind that most of your guests won't know you personally, so they will be forming opinions based on various elements, including the food. While you don't need to break the bank on open-house cuisine, it's crucial to put effort into making a good impression.

✅✅ Interact With All Visitors

When hosting an open house, it's essential to interact with guests and make a positive impression. Greet everyone who enters the property and start a conversation with them. This not only showcases the property for sale but also provides an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise as a real estate agent.

While the goal is to secure offers for the home, it's also important to create leads and grow your business. To ensure that you are fully engaged with clients, put away your phone and be available to answer any questions they may have. By being intentional in your interactions, you can create a memorable experience that will encourage clients to choose you as their real estate agent.

Things to Do After the Open House

✅✅ Clean Up

After the open house event, it is important to tidy up the property by removing any decorations, food, marketing materials and signs that were used. Cleaning the areas that might have been touched or used during the event with a disinfectant is a good practice. Get rid of any trash created during the open house and wash any dishes or tableware.

This will help present a clean and organized home to the sellers, which will give a positive impression of your professionalism and attention to detail. By leaving the property in good condition, you will help relieve the seller's stress and create a lasting impression of your services as a real estate agent.

✅✅ Share All Feedback & Performance Data With the Homeowner

It's important to communicate with the homeowner about the feedback and results from the open house. This includes any positive comments from visitors, as well as any areas that need improvement. Providing this information helps the homeowner understand how their property was perceived and what can be done to enhance its appeal for future showings.

Additionally, sharing performance data such as the number of attendees and any follow-up requests can give valuable insights into the effectiveness of the open house in generating leads. This communication helps establish a transparent and trustworthy relationship with the homeowner and sets you apart as a professional real estate agent.

✅✅ Text Hot Sign-in Leads for Feedback

After the open house event, reach out to your guests through text messages to continue building a relationship. Offer them something of value, such as an invitation to meet for coffee and discuss their housing needs and preferences in more detail. This personal touch is more effective than a generic email follow-up and can help strengthen your connection with potential clients.

Final Thoughts

Open house events can be a great way for real estate agents to showcase their properties and connect with potential buyers. Being organized and prepared is a key for success, so it's important to go through the above open house checklist ahead of time and make sure you have everything covered. Remember, you want your open house to be fun, informative and inviting, so don't forget to add some of your own personal touches as well.

Rahul Agrawal

Co-founder and Chief Business Officer at Styldod

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