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14 Innovative Real Estate Ads for Business Success

Real estate ads should do more than just make your phone ring. If you take the time to really connect with your local community, these ads can help build your personal brand and position you as the go-to real estate expert in your area. They're that powerful! To create effective and engaging real estate advertisements, use stunning images, catchy headlines, and appealing designs tailored to your target audience, aiming to evoke a response. In this blog, we'll explore some of the best types of real estate ads that can help grow your business.

What Are Real Estate Ads?

You might be wondering what exactly are real estate ads? Well, they do exactly what the name suggests—they advertise your real estate business, whether it's promoting a new house on the market or the financial services related to obtaining a mortgage. In the competitive real estate market, it's crucial to make your ads stand out and instantly connect with potential customers through powerful marketing strategies. It's not just about showcasing nice pictures (although visuals are important when selling a home); you also need a compelling copy to create a narrative, highlight a property's features, and convince prospective buyers that you're the best real estate agent for them.

Examples of Effective & Creative Real Estate Ads

1. Social Media Ads

Using social media for real estate ads is a smart move, especially on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Here's a breakdown of tips for each platform:

Facebook and Instagram:

Facebook ads for real estate agents
  • Leverage the precise targeting options to reach your ideal audience.
  • Create visually appealing ads with high-quality images.
  • Keep the ad copy concise, including a clear call-to-action (CTA).
  • Experiment with multimedia content like GIFs and videos.


  • Prioritize engaging video content to catch viewers' attention.
  • Familiarize yourself with the platform by creating regular videos.
  • Utilize trends, stories, and unique facts in your content.
  • Use captions to provide additional information, and include relevant hashtags for better visibility.


Twitter ads for real estate agents
  • Craft short and impactful ads, similar to outdoor real estate ads.
  • Limit the use of hashtags and emojis due to character constraints.
  • Incorporate eye-catching visuals that complement your ad copy.
  • Include a strong CTA, guiding users on the next steps.


LinkedIn ads for real estate agents
  • Understand that LinkedIn caters to professionals and adapt your approach accordingly.
  • Explore different paid promotion options, including sponsored content, messaging ads, and text ads.
  • Tailor your ad copy to resonate with a business-oriented audience.


YouTube ads for real estate agents
  • Focus on building brand awareness with 10-30-second video ads.
  • Consider various ad placements, such as pre-video, search results, and sidebar ads.
  • Direct viewers to your website or other online resources for additional information.
  • Capitalize on opportunities when users search for real estate-related tips.

Google Ads for real estate agents

Google Ads offers various options for real estate advertising, giving you a wide range of exposure, from Google searches to industry websites. However, it's essential to note that Google Ads can become pricey over time. Let's break down some advertising types, explaining when and why you might use them.

Search Ads:

Search ads typically appear at the top of Google search results, featuring headlines, descriptions, and links to relevant pages on your website (e.g., Property Search, About Us, Resources). These ads are excellent for capturing audiences actively seeking a real estate agent. By targeting specific keywords and geographical locations, you can connect with users actively looking for your services. Since search ads are generally pay-per-click (PPC), costs vary based on the user's search keywords.

Display Ads:

Similar to sidebar ads on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, Google display ads appear on websites and apps within the Google Display Network. While they may not be the best for lead generation, they excel at boosting brand awareness. Compelling visuals, such as high-quality images or short videos, enhance the effectiveness of these ads. Costs for display ads depend on the number of impressions, with a bidding system allowing you to set a specific amount per thousand views.

Local Services Ads (LSAs):

LSAs are a powerful lead-generation tool with a unique payment model – you only pay for each lead received, unlike search ads where you pay for each click. LSAs typically appear at the top of search results, often above search ads, and carry the "Google Screened" annotation with a green checkmark. LSAs display your professional picture and review ratings from leads gained through LSAs. Although they require more upfront effort, including screening by Google through a background check and credential verification, LSAs can bring in a significant number of leads once set up and running.

3. Internet Platform Ads

Zillow ads for real estate agents

As a real estate pro, you've got a bunch of options for getting the word out. You can pop up on popular listing sites like your local MLS, Zillow, Realtor.com, Trulia, and Craigslist. Google, Microsoft Ads, Yelp, and your own website are also fair game to show off your real estate skills and grab the attention of potential buyers and sellers. Plus, places like Yelp are perfect for flaunting reviews from happy clients, and building up your brand and street cred.

Putting your ads on real estate listing sites is cool because you're reaching folks who are seriously looking to buy or sell. But here's the deal—these leads might be chatting with a few different agents, so winning them over can be a bit of a challenge. That's why, alongside the listing sites, it's smart to shout about your services on your own real estate agent website and throw some ads on Microsoft, Google, and Yelp to cover all your bases.

4. Outdoor Ads

Outdoor ads for real estate agents

Outdoor advertising might seem pricey for real estate promotions, but the impressions it generates make it a cost-effective choice. Ads on buses, billboards, park benches, and more reach a wide audience of potential buyers and sellers, providing a solid return on investment for lead generation.

In contrast to the online noise, outdoor ads offer a refreshing alternative. They're hard to ignore, and you can't just click away like with digital ads. Plus, they can guide leads to your online resources. Research even shows that people are almost 50% more likely to engage with a digital ad after seeing an out-of-home ad first.

The magic lies in the fact that outdoor ads capture a captive audience—people stuck in traffic or on their daily commute. When they see your ads day after day, it sticks in their minds, building up your brand and reputation over time.

Real Estate flyer for print ads

Print ads may not be as popular in today's digital age, but they shouldn't be underestimated. Despite the prevalence of online advertising, a survey found that 82% of Americans trust newspaper and magazine ads more than digital ads (trusted by only 61% of consumers). Print ads in magazines and newspapers can be just as interactive and compelling as digital ones.

For instance, many print ads now feature QR codes that direct clients to your website or social media, ensuring you can keep sharing your real estate "story" with interested clients. Additionally, print ads provide a tangible item that clients can hold on to, reinforcing your brand and making a lasting impression.

6. Promotional Goodies for Real Estate Marketing

Real estate agents often turn to branded promotional items to connect with potential and past clients. According to LiquidScreenDesign, a whopping 83% of people enjoy receiving promotional products with a marketing message. If you haven't dabbled in using promotional items for your real estate advertising, it's definitely worth a shot. These items can range from shirts, hats, and totes to cups, tumblers, writing instruments, key chains, and even small snacks – pretty much anything you can personalize.

One cool thing about using branded promotional items for advertising is that it's like having your clients and contacts become your walking advertisements. When they use or wear these items around their friends, family, or colleagues, it's essentially free advertising for your real estate services. It's not just a silent endorsement; it sparks curiosity, and people often end up asking about the item, creating a buzz around your brand and potentially leading to formal referrals for your business.

7. Direct Mail Advertising

Before diving into your own direct mail campaign to attract and convert leads, it's a smart move to study successful strategies employed by others. To get ideas and inspiration, check out some proven examples of successful direct mail campaigns. These examples can provide valuable insights to guide and enhance your marketing strategy, direct mail design, and copywriting skills. If you need assistance in creating compelling direct print marketing ads, don't hesitate to seek the expertise of professionals who can help your vision come to life.

8. Digital Marketing Ads

Email Marketing for Real Estate Agents

One more way to directly connect with your audience is through digital marketing ads. This involves reaching out via email and text messages. Even though traditional print ads are more effective, digital methods like email and texting are convenient for engaging potential clients, keeping your brand on their radar, and nurturing leads over time.

A majority of people, around 61%, trust email as their preferred way to communicate with online brands. This builds brand recognition and improves conversion rates. Emails work well for follow-ups with past clients or potential leads during special occasions, while text messages can be more suitable for sending shorter, personalized messages. Texts have a high open rate of 98%, compared to a lower 13.42% for real estate emails, making them a creative way to remind clients of events, open houses, services, or just to check in.

Both email and text messaging offer targeted communication at a lower cost than many other advertising methods. They also enable interaction by including links to your website, landing pages, or property listings, effectively promoting your real estate business.

How to Write Catchy Real Estate Ads?

Want your real estate ads to grab attention? Here are some tips:

1. Highlight Benefits, Not Just Features

It's easy to rattle off a list of a property's features, but what really resonates with buyers are the benefits. Instead of merely stating the presence of four bathrooms and a spacious garden with a new patio, explain how these features enhance the buyer's lifestyle. For instance, those four bathrooms could mean no more morning shower queues for a large family, and the expansive garden and patio could be ideal for unforgettable summer barbecues with loved ones.

2. Create a Compelling Headline

The headline is often the first thing potential buyers see, so make it captivating. Consider evoking curiosity, instilling a sense of urgency, or emphasizing a competitive price to attract people to click and learn more. A well-crafted headline can significantly increase the chances of capturing the attention of your target audience.

3. Prioritize the Client's Perspective

Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. Purchasing a home is a significant decision, and understanding their concerns is important. Address their pain points and objections in your ad copy to establish trust and credibility. Use second-person pronouns to speak directly to prospects, acknowledge their worries, and tailor your message to focus on their wants and needs rather than just what you're offering.

4. Tell a Compelling Story

Given that buying a home is an emotional decision, your ads should go beyond mere facts. Create a narrative that helps potential buyers visualize their life in the property. By telling a story, you can evoke emotions, capture imaginations, and ultimately encourage viewers to click through. Painting a vivid picture of the lifestyle a property offers can be a powerful motivator.

How Can Real Estate Agents Use Different Ads?

Wondering how real estate agents can make the most of different ads? Well, there are loads of ways to use ads for your real estate biz. Our suggestion? Give a platform a test run before diving in completely. It's not smart to splash too much cash on digital ads until you're sure they'll pay off.

Here's our two-part ad game plan:

Start with at least one display or brand awareness ad and toss in a search or lead-generating ad. The display ad gets your brand out there, while the search ad pops up at the top when folks are ready to pick an agent. Like everything in online marketing, building your brand is just as crucial as snagging leads.

While you're checking out the ad options for realtors, remember to tweak your words and visuals based on the ad type. And, think about how your ads fit into your ongoing SEO strategy. Keep it smart and strategic!

Closing Thoughts

In the world of real estate ads, the secret sauce is to get creative, be strategic, and keep it authentic. Whether you're using social media, Google Ads, billboards, or branded goodies, the goal is to share a story that really hits home with your audience. By highlighting the perks, crafting compelling headlines, putting the client first, and spinning engaging narratives, real estate agents can build a brand that stands out in a competitive market. So, go ahead, unlock the potential of real estate ads, and watch your business thrive.


Shital Gohil

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Styldod

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