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Real Estate Marketing

Real Estate Email Marketing Guide | Styldod

In today's rapidly evolving real estate industry, it is crucial for agents to adopt a diversified approach to their digital marketing strategies in order to achieve success. Email marketing emerges as a powerful tool that, when utilized effectively, can significantly enhance conversion rates. To maximize the impact of your email marketing campaigns and position yourself for success, consider the following key strategies tailored specifically for the changing landscape of the real estate market.

Understanding Email Marketing

Email marketing serves as a potent marketing channel, combining elements of direct marketing and digital marketing by utilizing email to promote products or services. It plays a pivotal role in marketing automation efforts, keeping customers informed about the latest offerings and nurturing leads. By leveraging different types of marketing emails, email marketing contributes to lead generation, brand awareness, relationship building, and customer engagement between purchases.

Why Email Marketing for Real Estate Agents?

The real estate industry is fiercely competitive, necessitating the utilization of email marketing techniques. According to McKinsey & Company, email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined. Marketers who employ segmented campaigns report up to a 760% increase in revenue, as stated by Campaign Monitor. Leveraging email marketing can provide several significant benefits, including:

1. Personalized Content: Email marketing campaigns allow you to create personalized content for prospective customers and clients, fostering a sense of intimacy that sets it apart from generic social media blasts.

2. Enhanced Responsiveness: Compared to traditional mail-based strategies, email marketing has a higher response rate because it gives recipients the chance to respond directly. This empowers potential customers and clients to engage with you easily. One in three marketers are leveraging their own blog or website, as well as SEO, to land on SERPs. According to HubSpot Blog's 2023 Marketing Strategy & Trends Report - 32% use email marketing - that means almost one in three marketers use emails as marketing channel.

3. Sustained Relevance: Consistent email marketing makes sure that your name stays at the top of their minds even if not every recipient reads your emails in full. When they are prepared to buy or sell a property in the future, you will be the first person they think of.

4. Personal Connections: Because real estate transactions are so personal, it is essential to establish close, one-on-one relationships with clients and customers. You can develop these relationships through email marketing, building rapport and trust that will help you succeed.

5. Cost-Effectiveness: Setting up an email marketing campaign doesn't have to be an expensive endeavour. Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective forms of digital marketing because, in contrast to traditional mail-based strategies, you can reach your audience without paying for each message sent. According to Oberlo's email marketing statistics, emails promise a strong return on investment - for every $1 spent on email marketing, you receive an average return of $40.

Tips for Crafting the Perfect Real Estate Email

1. Stand Out in the Inbox: To boost your email open rates, focus on creating captivating subject lines that cleverly reflect the email's goal. Experiment with emojis and other attention-grabbing elements to determine what resonates best with your audience.

2. Personalization Matters: While automation is valuable, ensure your emails still possess a personal touch. Before sending an email, put yourself in the recipient's shoes and ask yourself if you would find the email engaging and relevant. Tailor your messages to evoke a positive response from your prospects.

3. Smart Calls-to-Action: Engaging your audience is paramount to a successful email marketing strategy. Include at least one compelling call-to-action (CTA) in each campaign, ensuring it aligns with the campaign's objective. Craft captivating copy for the CTA button that grabs readers' attention.

4. Optimize for Mobile: People access their emails using various devices, so it is crucial to optimize your emails for mobile viewing. Ensure your messages are easily readable on smartphones and tablets, as many recipients receive emails directly on their mobile devices.

5. Minimize Spammy Language: Certain words and phrases trigger spam filters in subscribers' inboxes. Avoid using terms like "100% guarantee," "extra cash," "free gift," or "limited time" that may flag your emails as spam and decrease their deliverability. Comprehensive lists of spammy words can be found online, so be mindful of these words, especially in your email headlines.

6. Establish a Consistent Email Schedule: Unlike personal emails, email marketing for real estate agents requires a more strategic approach. Develop a series of emails in advance that cater to leads at different stages of the sales cycle. For instance, create a "welcome sequence" that automatically sends when a new lead subscribes to your newsletter, introducing yourself and building trust. Additionally, determine the frequency of emails that resonates best with your audience through trial and error.

7. Keep Campaigns Relevant with Segmentation: Customizing your emails for different types of readers is essential for maintaining engagement. Segment your email list based on criteria such as potential buyers, potential sellers, current clients, previous buyers, and recently closed clients. This allows you to create highly relevant and personalized email content for each segment, maximizing their effectiveness.

8. Use a Variety of Email Campaigns: To keep your emails engaging and interesting, employ various types of email campaigns. Don't solely rely on a weekly newsletter; incorporate market reports, birthday and anniversary celebrations, specific follow-ups, and other types of emails to maintain the interest of your leads. Common types of realtor email marketing campaigns include drip campaigns, targeted campaigns, event follow-up campaigns, referral or testimonial request campaigns, and birthday and anniversary email campaigns.

9. Feature Testimonials: Incorporating testimonials from past clients into your emails can be incredibly impactful. Reviews and ratings carry significant weight, and when potential buyers or sellers see that your prior clients are satisfied, they are more likely to reach out to you. While you can talk about your own qualities all day, sharing positive reviews from others adds a genuine element to your emails, instilling trust and credibility.

10. Educational Tips and Relevant Information for Nurturing Informed Decision-Making: Show your sincere desire for your clients' success and happiness by doing more than just asking for their business. Share knowledge-based advice along with relevant data to help recipients make wise decisions. Give advice on mortgage financing or point out warning signs to look out for when evaluating a property. By sharing insightful information, you establish yourself as a reliable resource and boost your audience's faith in your subject-matter knowledge.

11. Simplify Newsletter Sign-Ups: Maximizing Email Marketing Campaign Results: To maximize the impact of your email marketing campaign, make it effortless for people to sign up for your newsletter. Using a program that enables one-click newsletter sign-ups can significantly increase participation. By simplifying the process, you ensure that potential leads won't hesitate to join your mailing list. Keeping your name at the forefront of your readers' minds through periodic newsletters helps establish brand recall and enhances your connection with them.

12. Data Analysis and Adaptation: Collecting ample user information is crucial for crafting content that resonates with your target audience. Gain insights into the demographics of your newsletter subscribers, such as age, income, and their interest in buying or selling a house. Analyzing this data enables you to create tailored content that addresses their specific needs and preferences. By continually analyzing and adapting your approach based on the collected data, you can refine your email marketing strategy and optimize its effectiveness.

10 Types of Emails that You Can Send as A Real Estate Agent

If you're looking to enhance your email marketing strategy, we've got you covered. Here are eight types of emails that we highly recommend sending:

Welcome Email

Welcome emails are sent within 24 hours of the client signing up to receive emails from you. It is a short and pleasant email real estate agents can send, thanking the person for joining their email list and setting expectations on what content they will be receiving and how frequently they will come. However, merely saying thank you is not enough. People will be eager to learn what they can get from you after signing up. Hence remember to include your real estate services clearly and concisely in the email.

The ideal welcome mail should have a simple design and straightforward messaging which briefs the reader about what to anticipate from the brand in the coming months.

Here is a welcome email template for you:

Hello (prospect name),
Thank you for signing up for (company name)’s real estate services. You are one step closer to finding your dream home. Click <here> to inspect listings. Explore a wide range of listings to find a property you like.
Click <here> to connect with an agent. Let us introduce you to an agent who will help you find listings, schedule appointments, and help you along every step of the process.
Click <here> to search by neighborhood. Cannot decide on where to settle down? Let us assist you in navigating your future neighborhood.
We look forward to helping you find a home.
(Your name)


Newsletters are sent frequently. They can go out weekly or monthly, depending on the information you have to share with your clients. The newsletter is the type of email real estate agents can send to share industry news and updates. New developments in the housing market, fluctuations in home prices, and mortgage rates will be of interest to potential homebuyers. Newsletters are a great tool to bring visibility to your latest blog posts and ebooks that will be useful to the readers. Here are some real estate newsletter ideas.

Template for real estate newsletter:

Hello (prospect name),

Welcome to (company name)’s newsletter, where we bring you the latest housing market updates, the newest listings in town, and everything real estate-related.

Click <here> to check our latest blog article

Click <here> to view this week’s fresh listings

Click <here> to register for next week’s open house. Only 2 spots left!

Have any queries? Reply to this email and we’ll get back to you.


(Your name)

Open House

Sending emails to your list is a great way to encourage more people to attend open houses if you're hosting them. With the date, time, and location of upcoming open houses, you should let your subscribers know in these emails. In addition, you can offer extra information about the house, like the number of bedrooms, the size, or even a link to the listing, if available. Any unique aspects of the property that might interest buyers should be emphasized.

New Listing

You can use emails to announce new listings that have been added to your portfolio, much like you would with open house notifications. Include all the pertinent information, as well as alluring details and eye-catching images that will excite your subscribers. Your success could be greatly impacted by email marketing.

Value Add

In addition to referral requests, it's important to send emails that provide value to your subscribers. This can take the form of informative blog posts, engaging videos, or even exclusive discounts and offers on your services. The key is to ensure that the content is relevant and interesting to your audience. Offering something of value builds trust and shows your subscribers that you care about their needs.

Here are a few ideas to add value for your subscribers:

  • Provide a complimentary home staging consultation.
  • Offer an eBook guiding them through the home-buying process.
  • Extend discounts on your services for repeat customers.
  • Host a webinar on real estate trends specific to your area.

For example, when the next property comes in the market, use these emails to tell readers that the first 10 people to reply to the mail can get exclusive access to a property showing. Here's a template for you.

Dear (prospect name),

We are excited to tell you that our latest listing on (insert address) has hit the market. To find out more about the listing, click <here>.

We are organizing an open house for the home, and the first 5 people to reply to this email get exclusive access to the premium event. More details about the event are coming soon. Stay tuned!


(Your name)

Milestone Email

A milestone email is what you get when you marry customer data with personalized messaging. This is an email real estate agents can send to wish customers on their special day while reminding them to continue availing of your services. Following are the various occasions during which milestone emails can be sent:

  • Many brands use birthdays as an occasion to send these emails along with a small gift/voucher.
  • Anniversary emails can be sent on the day on which the reader signed up for your services. Include figures such as their date of signing up, the number of times they have used your services, and your referrals.
  • Week/month/year review emails are well-liked by users.

Spotify does a brilliant job of converting creepy personal data into the Spotify-wrapped email popular among music lovers. They list down the user’s total listening time, favorite tracks, artists, and genres of the year to give them a trip down memory lane.

Attaching a milestone email template here:

Hello (prospect name),
It’s anniversary month! This time last year, you signed up for (company name)’s services.
Date of Joining: 12/5/2020
Number of listings viewed: 12
Number of referrals: 3
To commemorate this special occasion, we are sending you a voucher worth (insert amount) from (insert brand). We hope you like our small token of love!
(Your name)

Review Email

The real estate business is a two-way channel. Once you have kept your side of the bargain and delivered services, you can ask clients to give you reviews in return. Studies show that 84% of users trust online reviews as much as word of mouth and 64% make purchase decisions based on reviews. Review emails have more benefits for realtors:

  • They connect you with your with clients to understand their difficulties
  • They improve your credibility
  • It helps to boost your performance

Target’s review email starts on an informal note by asking what customers think about the product. It comprises the product name and image to remind the customer in case they forgot what they purchased. The clever email copy tricks you into reviewing by reminding you that you are helping someone by doing so. It also has a section to fix customer queries.

Here's a template you can follow:

Dear (client name),
Thank you so much for choosing me to be your real estate agent. It was a delight working with you. Now that you have found your dream home, I will miss the camaraderie we shared during our house visit sessions. As they say, all good things must come to an end.
My mission is to match people with their dream homes. For me to reach more such people, your word will be helpful. I will be grateful if you could send me a few words about the experience you had with me. It can be in writing, video, or audio.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
(Your name)

Referral Request

Your email list should include your past clients, and it's a good idea to reach out to them for referrals. A simple and effective approach is to send a request like this: "Hey, if you happen to know anyone who will be looking to buy or sell a home in the next few months, I would greatly appreciate it if you could pass my name along. Thank you!"

By asking for referrals from your previous clients, you can not only expand your email list but also generate more leads for your business.

Case Studies

Case studies are an excellent way to showcase your expertise and demonstrate to potential clients how you can assist them in buying or selling their homes. Share stories of successful transactions you've handled in the past, along with any challenges you encountered and how you overcame them. This is also an opportunity to highlight what sets your services apart from other real estate agents in your area.

You can present case studies in video or blog post formats, depending on your comfort level and preferred medium of communication.

Market Updates

Engaging with your email list involves periodically sharing market updates to educate people about the current trends in your local area. Discuss average price points, the duration of homes on the market before they sell, and any other news related to real estate that you believe would interest potential homebuyers and sellers. This helps keep your subscribers informed and empowers them to make better decisions when navigating the buying or selling process. Furthermore, it demonstrates that you have a comprehensive understanding of the real estate market in your area.

How to Avoid Landing into the Spam Box

Customers love hearing from you. According to Oberlo's email marketing statistics, 49% of consumers say they love receiving emails from their favorite brands weekly. However, a lot of these emails end up in the spam box. Here’s how you can avoid the trash can and ensure your emails get opened:

  • Get permission to email. Ask people subscribe to emails on your website/blog. Collecting email addresses instead of buying them will be worth the hassle in the long run.
  • Get a trustworthy ESP: Email service providers are constantly monitored to avoid spammers; hence use a reliable one.
  • Don’t send too many emails: Nearly 46% of users quoted “getting too many emails” as the reason for marking as spam.

Revolutionize Your Real Estate Email Marketing With the Power of AI

Crafting a winning email marketing strategy is a crucial endeavor for real estate agents, and in today's fast-paced digital landscape, leveraging cutting-edge tools can make all the difference. Our AI-powered email writer tool offers a unique advantage, providing you with meticulously tailored content that resonates with your target audience. This tool not only saves you valuable time but also enhances the effectiveness of your emails, increasing open and response rates. Join the ranks of successful real estate professionals who have embraced the power of AI to elevate their email marketing game. Elevate your communication, elevate your business. Experience the future of email marketing by trying our AI tool today and witness firsthand how innovation can drive your success.

Take the leap and transform your email marketing strategy with our AI-powered Email Generator!

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Rahul Agrawal

Co-founder and Chief Business Officer at Styldod

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