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Home Staging

9 Practical Bathroom Staging Ideas to Beautify the Space

When it comes to selling a home, staging it before opening the doors to potential buyers is the first thing everyone thinks about. But why do we only think of highlighting the main elements of a property, like the living room and the kitchen?

We often forget to put effort into the more ignored areas like the bathroom, but did you know that bathroom staging should also be something you consider before selling a home? But why? Today, we'll help you answer this exact question and also explore some bathroom staging ideas you can use to get started.

Further, you'll also learn how Styldod, a virtual staging service, can give you a more affordable option than traditional home staging.

Reasons That Make Staging a Bathroom a Necessity

Before we get on the practical tips and tricks on how to get bathroom staging done right, let's first begin with the "why" aspect because it's important to understand why to do something for motivation of getting it done with the correct reasons.

While you can understand the kitchen, living room, and bedroom being some of the critical spaces to stage, why is staging a bathroom so necessary? Here are some critical reasons:

1. Buyer's Feeling About the Home Influences Their Decision

Purchasing a home is one of the biggest decisions of anyone's life. Further, it's also a decision most buyers make with the help of their emotions. This means that whatever they feel about the home the moment they see it physically will be laying the foundation for their decision of whether to buy it or not. They need to look at every corner with warmth and acceptance in their eyes because without being relaxed and feeling welcomed, it would be hard for them to imagine living there comfortably.

2. Buyer's Comfort in Someone's Personal Space is Fragile

While the bathroom with a wet mirror or no rug may not be a big deal for the seller, and while it's also not a big deal when seen together by keeping the bigger picture in mind, you need to remember where the buyer comes from. The buyer is seeing someone else's property; they are entering someone's personal space and want it to resonate with their feelings to ensure they are comfortable living in the space after that.

If they see dirt and dirty towels in the bathtub, it's going to be difficult for them to imagine unwinding and relaxing in that same space. So, you need to make sure you give the potential buyers the respect and grace of embracing a stranger's home and being as relaxed as they can.

9 Bathroom Staging Ideas to Get the Most Out of the Space

And now since you are aware of why staging a bathroom is necessary, let's look at the nine tips and tricks to get you started with it:

1. Start with Deep Clean

Everything needs to be spotless! Simply dusting it off is not enough. The first rule of staging a bathroom is that it needs to be spick and span before any potential buyer sees it. Wash everything you can – the garbage can, walls, bathtub, mirror, showerhead, toilet seat – everything seen in hindsight.

2. Get Rid of Personal Belongings

The next idea to stage a bathroom effectively is to get rid of anything left by the previous owner. No one wants to imagine being in someone else's bathroom or, worse, someone coming and using their bathroom. Hence, it's important to eliminate anything that signals someone's preference.

Below are the three necessary components you absolutely want to get rid of when you stage a bathroom:

  • Personal hygiene: Pick up the personal hygiene stuff from the previous owner and tuck them away in a box, and yes, even the ones under the sink and in the cabinets or drawers. Make sure the bathroom leaves no trace of any personal hygiene belongings. No one wants to see what brand of soap or cleanser was being used.
  • Personal decor: The small accessories like scented candles, framed photos, notes, and everything that reminds someone of viewing a used property needs to go.
  • Other bathroom things: Everything that signifies the bathroom is being used, like most bathroom things found – garbage bin, plunger, toilet scrubber, and air fresheners – make sure you get rid of them as well.

3. Use Luxurious Accessories

It's the minor things that would make or break the buyer's decision to get the home or not. When considering accessorizing a staged bathroom, it's essential to bring the luxurious factor in for the potential buyer to find comfort. Get some elegant accessories in the bathroom, like:

  • Ceramic bottles
  • Oil diffusers, potpourri, or scented candles
  • New soap dispenser
  • Wooden bath tray
  • Fluffy new bath towels

These subtle touches can elevate and highlight the potential of the master bath, helping potential buyers take a decision.

4. Remove Stains and Update Caulking

Many existing homeowners are used to the mildew, hard water stains, and peeling caulk in their bathrooms. It doesn’t bother them anymore. But when you are showing the house to someone who wants to buy it, these things will leave a huge impression on them and potentially make them turn away from the property.

When you are staging the bathroom, make sure to go through a strict cleaning spree to get rid of all the water stains from the walls, floors, tiles, and glass. Update the caulking near the sink and shower for a better-looking bathroom.

5. Upgrade the Bathroom Hardware

Bathroom hardware and fixtures are some things that seem to be a personal preference depending on the homeowners. Hence, it's essential to replace them with something modern and trending so that the overall look of the house seems cohesive and everything flows perfectly.

6. Swap the Cabinets

The cabinets also play an important role in enhancing the look of a home when staging a bathroom. Swapping the outdated ones with something modern and trendy is important, especially if the old ones are dingy and in bad shape. Talking about the color of the cabinets, make sure to use neutral paint to cater to every type of potential buyer's taste.

7. Have a Neutral Color Palette

Adding a neutral color palette to the bathroom is the next important point to keep in mind during bathroom staging to make sure you are appealing to a huge crowd. Bright and bold bathroom colors are not everyone's taste, and if the existing bathroom is of a bold color like dark blue or magenta, ensure that you change it to a much lighter and neutral color like beige, cream, brown, or white for more home buyers to attract to the look.

This small investment in applying a fresh coat of paint can allow you to secure a deal faster and of much more value.

8. Inspect the Lightings

A bathroom should feel bright (not blinding bright), cozy, and inviting. Allow the natural lighting to flow in by opening the windows and blinds during a daytime showing. And if you are showing the house at night or in the evening, make sure to get bright but not harsh lighting. Incorporate more lights on the warmer side of bright, like golden, for an inviting look, and avoid white lights as they seem to be too much.

9. Take Care of the Small Details

When staging a bathroom, everything comes down to small details. Adding the small details makes up the entire look of the space. Try to roll in everything that can appeal to the mass, like luxurious hand towels, pretty apothecaries, small green plants, decorative soap dishes, artwork, and everything else that can elevate the potential buyer's senses and keep some space in their mind to imagine themselves in the bathroom better.

The Heavy Cost of Traditional Home Staging

Now you know the importance of a good staged bathroom to sell a property at top dollar, but there's one minor drawback (or even a major problem for some people). You need to be aware of the heavy investment of money that comes with traditional staging.

Staging a bathroom has excellent perks as it enhances the property's appeal and helps home buyers visualize the space of their dream. This further makes it easier and brings you closer to signing the deal. But no one talks about the high costs that tag along, including:

  • Spending on upgrades and repairs
  • Hiring professional photographers for the listing images
  • Getting home staging professionals
  • Renting décor items and furniture
  • Investing in marketing materials for property sale

Combining all these costs, an industry average estimate comes down to an estimated $1,719 every month in 2023. And hold on, this cost is just a fair average. Depending on the area and the location, it can increase, where luxury home staging can reach up to $6,800 per month.

So, clearly, if you’re working on a tight budget, spending this much may not be ideal.

But what's the solution to this problem? Virtual staging!

Virtual Staging a Bathroom with Styldod – An Affordable Option!

Now, there's no need to sacrifice home staging due to its expense with a virtual staging service like Styldod. We help you ensure you are able to reap the benefits of a staged bathroom and other spaces in the house at a lesser expense!

Stage a property with the help of professionals at only $16 for every image and save some dollars.

But, Why Virtual Staging?

A NAR report on 'Real Estate in a Digital Age' heavily talks about the influence of the internet on the changing patterns of a homebuyer. The report stated that almost 97% of homebuyers started their home search journey through the internet. And we all know that the internet means going strongly on those visuals to attract users. Hence, it only makes sense to maximize the potential of the internet through virtual staging, as it allows you to explore a wide variety of options in different home styles.

So, why not hop on the wagon of virtual staging?

Get Started with Styldod's Virtual Staging Service Today!

Bathroom Staging – Before and After

Have a look at how Styldod helps stage a bathroom to enhance its appearance:

before bathroom staging

Before Staging

What's wrong here:

  • Unorganized personal belongings
  • Bad lighting
  • Not a tidy look
  • Missed the small inviting touches

After Virtual staging by Styldod

After Staging

How Styldod's professionals enhanced the bathroom's appeal:

  • Cleared the unwanted personal belongings
  • Added better lighting for a brighter but inviting appearance
  • Cleaned the mess
  • Paid attention to small touches and added luxurious accessories

Ready to transform your bathroom into a stunning selling point? Try Styldod's Virtual Staging Today!

Place an Order Now

Rahul Agrawal

Co-founder and Chief Business Officer at Styldod

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