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Home Staging

Inexpensive Home Staging Hacks: Sell Faster for Less! | Styldod

If you're getting ready to sell your house, you've probably looked into ways to stage it without spending too much. Staging is a common tactic to sell homes faster and for a better price. It's known to make a major difference in how interested buyers are, so it's often seen as a must-do before putting your house on the market. Even though buyers might try to negotiate, good staging can make them more likely to make a strong offer. If you use the right staging techniques, you could be selling your house in no time.

But staging your home on a tight budget can be tough. Hiring a professional stager or interior designer might not be an option.

Luckily, we've done some research and put together a list of budget-friendly staging tips. Keep reading to find out how you can make your home look its best without spending a lot.

Benefits and Importance of Home Staging

When selling your home, it's important not to settle for less than what it's worth or to have it on the market longer than necessary.

Considering the time and money involved, staging your home could prove to be a very profitable decision. Prospective buyers aren't just looking for a house; they're imagining their future lifestyle. Staging can create an emotional connection that leads to higher offers from buyers.

Additionally, staging is beneficial because buyers prefer homes that require minimal work. Every flaw they see could lead to them offering less money. According to the 2023 Profile of Home Staging by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 58% of buyers' agents noted that staging consistently improved buyers' perceptions of a property.

8 Tips for Staging a House on a Budget

1. Declutter & Depersonalize

Clutter presents two main issues:

  • It can divert buyers' attention away from your home's best features.
  • It may create a perception of limited space in the home.

Now is a good time to tidy up by packing away items that aren't used daily, like games, papers, and seasonal clothing that tend to create a mess. It's also a good idea to get rid of things you no longer need, such as expired food and belongings that no longer serve a purpose, like outgrown clothes and toys. Having more empty storage space is beneficial.

To help potential buyers imagine themselves in the home, consider removing personal items like family photos, keepsakes, and refrigerator decorations. Keep clothing stored away neatly, and ensure bathroom countertops are clear, with only essential items like hand soap visible. Similarly, hide away toys and other items that may remind buyers of the current occupants.

2. DIY Repairs and Touch-Ups

Taking care of small repairs and touch-ups yourself can save a lot of money, especially when you're staging a house on a budget. You can patch up small holes, stop leaks, and freshen up scuffed areas easily. Simple tasks like tightening loose fixtures or replacing old caulking can really improve how well the home looks to potential buyers.

3. Paint Smart

When staging your home, it's essential to consider the paint colors. If you have walls painted in bold colors, consider repainting them with more neutral tones. Neutral paint jobs are relatively inexpensive and often offer a good return on investment. By giving key areas like the living room, kitchen, and master bedroom a fresh coat of paint in neutral colors, you can enhance your home's appeal without spending too much. Neutral colors also make rooms feel larger and brighter, which can attract more buyers.

4. Refresh Existing Decor

When getting your home ready for potential buyers, think about how you can use what you already have to spruce things up. For instance, updating a lampshade on a lamp you already own can give it a new look without having to buy something new.

You can also get creative by painting decor items or using household objects like books, vases, or kitchenware in new ways. These budget-friendly tricks can make your home look nicer without spending a lot of money.

5. Improve Lighting


Make the most of natural light by opening curtains and blinds during showings to make your home feel bright and welcoming. Also, make sure all your light fixtures are clean and working well to keep your home well-lit.

Consider adding extra lights to darker areas if needed. And if your fixtures are old or broken, replacing them can improve your home's appearance without spending a fortune.

6. Keep Your Home Feeling Fresh

Adding a few potted plants can really liven up your living space, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Just make sure not to overcrowd the room unless you're going for a greenhouse vibe. And don't forget to keep your plants healthy to maintain that fresh feeling. When it comes to odors, tackle them naturally. Instead of air fresheners, try to address the root causes, like pet smells or lingering cooking odors.

While air fresheners might seem like a quick fix, they can actually cause issues for people with allergies or asthma. If you're a smoker, consider keeping your habit outside and take extra steps to keep your home smelling fresh. And don't forget the basics, like taking out the trash regularly.

7. Make the Most of Return Policies

When buying decor items like picture frames, hang onto your receipts. Many stores offer extended return periods, giving you flexibility if your staging plans change.

8. Try Virtual Staging

In today's digital world, virtual staging is a game-changer for showcasing homes. It allows you to digitally spruce up your space, giving potential buyers a better idea of its potential. Services like Styldod offer affordable options starting at just $16, making it easy to give your home a virtual makeover without breaking the bank.

Take the first step to a faster sale. Try Styldod's virtual staging now!

Closing Thoughts

You've explored budget-friendly staging tips that can make a big difference in how buyers perceive your home.  While these tricks are valuable, consider taking your staging to the next level with Styldod's virtual staging services. At prices starting at just $16, Styldod can digitally transform your empty rooms into beautifully furnished spaces, giving potential buyers a clear vision of your home's potential. Why not try Styldod today and see the difference it can make in getting your home sold quickly and for top dollar?

Shital Gohil

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Styldod

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