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Real Estate Agents

How to Sell an Empty House Fast: Expert Tips for Real Estate Agents

Trying to sell a vacant house is like a battle. If you are a real estate agent facing this issue, you know how difficult it is for buyers to imagine themselves in a place that has no furniture and no décor, this kind of space lacks warmth. Despite these challenges, selling an empty house should not feel overwhelming.

Let’s look at how to sell an empty house fast at the market potential.

The Challenges of Selling an Empty House

Selling an empty house comes with excessive challenges. Here are some of the issues that you may face:

  • Unexpected Repair Costs: Be it leaky pipes or peeling off paint, everything can scare off buyers, an empty place may require repairs that may have gone unnoticed.
  • Vulnerability to Crime: Vacant homes are crime magnets like thefts, vandalism, and trespassing. These crimes can be a big reason for delays in sales and can also cost more for repairs.
  • Higher Inspection Cost: With no furniture and décor to hide the spaces, even the small imperfections are visible and inspection is done with scrutiny. While it is important to be transparent, this may make the home look more flawed than it actually is and that can be a big put-off for buyers.
  • Losing the Homely Feel: A fully furnished home, gives the buyers a feel of what the place will look like when they start living in it, which will be missing in an empty place. Empty places look uninviting and buyers may not feel an emotional connection.
  • Expensive Holding Costs: Vacant homes can pile up additional costs for you, like mortgage payments, utilities, insurance, and maintenance. This adds pressure to sell the house quickly.

Tips for Selling an Empty House

If you are looking to sell an empty property, these tips will help you turn challenges into opportunities:

  • Know Your Market: To understand your target audience, you need to do a survey on other properties nearby and quote a competitive price for your place. You should also know the kind of homes your target audience prefers and design your strategy accordingly.
  • Work With an Expert Real Estate Agent: A real estate agent’s contribution to selling your property is invaluable. They have a thorough knowledge of market trends, and they will also be able to strategize how you can price your property and advertise it better. Their expertise will help you save time and money in the selling process.
  • Stage Your Home: Staging an empty home to sell can make all the difference. Decorating the place virtually makes buyers understand the potential of each room. They will look at the same room differently. This helps buyers understand how each corner can be used. If you do not have the budget to decorate your place in person, you should consider virtual staging. It is a cost-effective way, to use digital furniture and decorate your home to give it an inviting look.
  • Boost Curb Appeal: The first impression is always important. Make sure your lawn looks neat and the surfaces are clean. Planting flowers and keeping the paint fresh can make the place look appealing to buyers.
  • Invest in High-quality Photography: Buyers form their first impression of the place online. If they like the property in the pictures, they will consider visiting it.  You have to make sure the property is highlighted with well-lit rooms and HD images. You must consider hiring a real estate photographer to make sure the pictures look appealing and professional.
  • Secure the Property: another must-do is to make sure the property is secured. You can get a temporary alarm system, make sure the lawn does not have too many hedges to hide behind, and keep it maintained. You can also consider installing motion-sensor lights.
  • Maintain Home Owner’s Insurance: Make sure you double-check that the homeowner’s insurance is active and covers empty places. This will help you safeguard the property from any damage during the selling process.

Selling an empty house does not have to be a difficult task, by facing the problems and dealing with them head-on to marketing and strategizing properly, you should be able to sell it in no time. You can turn a vacant property into an irresistible listing by taking professional photographs and staging it virtually. The key is to make buyers envision themselves living there. With these tips to sell an empty house, you should be able to close the deal with ease.

Shital Gohil

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Styldod

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